Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pocket Pug

This morning, I started the day as a pocket pug.

Robert was trying to teach me to fetch. As you can see, I'm a good listener, but not so good a fetcher.
Then Robert and Gillian got all McGuyver and worked on their pug containment strategy. I love eating flowers that were treated with flower dust earlier in the summer and learned to crawl through the fence yesterday. To keep me safe when they're not looking, this is what they came up with:
I am not amused.
Nap attack!
I just love Crocs, but I love their knock off, Holeys, even more. Robert and Gillian think they can trick me, but they can't. My squeeky shoe toy doesn't compare to the real thing.
I also love roses, particularly their thorns. Gillian doesn't think this is a very good idea.
And leaves! I just can't get enough.


I also found my voice today, so I'll share a good little bark with folks to tell them what I think. It's all in a day's work.

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