Monday, August 11, 2008

Roasty Toasty Pug

You can't smell the delightful roasty toasty pug smell through the computer, but you can witness the cuteness.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Action Pug Adventures

Alleyne Lake.

Pug fashion.
Puginson Crusoe.
We walked the 4km loop around Kentucky Lake. Along the way, Robert thought I needed a break, but I suspect he was getting a cold and needed a pugwarmer.
After all the madness of moving was done, Robert and Gill and I went for an evening paddle in Ladner. Stroke!

Gill Finally Found the USB for the Camera So Now It's Time To Catch up on Kelowna Adventures

Some of the highlights from July in Kelowna:
My nut, which some bird left for me under the spruce tree. I loved this nut, but Robert threw it out one day. Sigh.

As you may know, it is a particular quirk of the pug to be heat intolerant. When the temperature rises above 30, I go crazy. To calm me down, Robert and Gill made me a super action hero cape out of a damp napkin: the latest in pug couture.
Nicole and Jeremy came to Kelowna for a wedding and we had a good visit. I love meeting new people, but I was peeved they didn't take me on this wine tasting trip.
The grandpugrents came for a visit shortly after Nic and Jer left. They brought me a new tug toy!

The month was punctuated by many naps.